VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 - March 2023

Bertil Nordenstam: the architect behind modern Senecioneae classification

J.Mauricio Bonifacino

Laboratorio de Botánica, Facultad de Agronomía, Montevideo, URUGUAY.



Kåre Bremer

Stockholm University, Spökslottet, SE-106 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN



ABSTRACT Bertil Nordenstam is a Swedish botanist who contributed significantly to the understanding of the Compositae during a career of over 60 years. Nordenstam’s botanical work centered on the tribe Senecioneae, a group that he re-circumscribed and modified taxonomically with his many insights into its internal relationships. Nordenstam also participated in major flora projects, and he collected extensively around the world. He wrote about botanical history with an emphasis on the Linnean disciple Carl Peter Thunberg and he served the community of fellow synantherologists by editing the Compositae Newsletter for 25 years.  

Keywords: Compositae, Euryops, Japan, Namibia, Othonna, South Africa, Sweden, Thunberg.

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How to cite

Bonifacino, J.M. & Bremer, K. 2023. Bertil Nordenstam: the architect behind modern Senecioneae classification. Capitulum 2(2): 1-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.53875/capitulum.02.2.01