TICA Talks is a venue for bringing together fellow synantherologists from across the world in a monthly virtual symposium of all things Compositae (and yes, it is ok to call it Asteraceae). TICA Talks features a main talk (30-40 min) and one or two lightning talks (5 min) though the structure is flexible. If you are interested in giving a talk or attending a talk, please click the appropriate buttons down below. Talks are recorded and posted on the TICA youtube channel.
Hiden in plain sight:the role of ultraviolet
colours in sunflower adaptation | YouTube
Chromosome number evolution in the
Machaerantherinae (Astereae) | YouTube
Oliver White. Royal Botanic Garden, KEW, UK.
Genomics of speciation and hibridization in the Macaronesian endemic genus
Argyranthemum (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) | YouTube
José Cerca. Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway.
A Chromosome-resolved genome of Darwin’s giant daisy trees
(Scalesia) shows the genomic basis of the plant island syndome | YouTube
Australian Daisies, Systematics of Senecio
and the Gnaphalieae | YouTube
Evolution of Compositae across the Pacific | YouTube
Reevaluating genetic diversity and structure of Helianthus verticillatus after the discovery of new populations | YouTube
Common misconceptions about tissue preservation for DNA | YouTube
Scraping GBIF for country-level Compositae data: can it tell us where we aren't looking hard enough? | YouTube
TICA & Global Compositae Database:
Keeping Vicki Funk's legacy alive | YouTube
Contact: info@composite.org