Contributed data: Authors Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record
(Labill.) R. Br. [Flann et al. 2010 Cassini Genera]
R.Br. [IPNI] [details]
Contributed data: Full Name Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record
Cassinia spectabilis (Labill.) R. Br. [Flann et al. 2010 Cassini Genera]
Cassinia spectabilis R.Br. [IPNI] [details]
LSID urn:lsid:compositae.org:names:29AEEAFA-CA07-440F-97CD-2EE32BB84589 [details]
Status Published under CASSINIA R.Br. (1817) nom. cons. non R.Br. (1813) nom. rej. [details]
Taxonomy before Sep 1817 [details]
From editor or global species database