Compositae Working Group (CWG) (2021). Global Compositae Database. Lactuca grenieri (Rouy) A.W.Hill & E.Salisb.. Accessed at: on 2025-03-05
original description(1947). A. W. Hill & E. Salisb., Index Kew, Suppl. 10. 1947 page(s): 126 [details]
Contributed data: Authors Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record (Rouy) A. W. Hill & E. Salisb. [Cichorieae Portal] [details] Contributed data: Full Name Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record Lactuca grenieri (Rouy) A. W. Hill & E. Salisb. [Cichorieae Portal] [details] LSID [details] Type material [France] "Alpes-Maritimes" / [France] "Var" / [France] "Bouches-du-Rhône" / [France] "Aude" / [France] "Hérault" / [France] "Gard" [details]