Type material Crescit frequentissime locis frigidis et temperatis juxta urbem Quiti et pagum Guancabambae Peruvianorum, alt. 1330-1500 hex. Floret Julio-Augusto, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n.. [details]
Compositae Working Group (CWG) (2021). Global Compositae Database. Conyza sumatrensis var. floribunda (Kunth) J.B.Marshall. Accessed at: https://www.compositae.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=1234608 on 2025-01-09
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality
Contributed data: Authors Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record (Kunth) J.B. Marshall [Flora del Conosur] (Kunth) J.B. Marshall [Flora Malesiana] (Kunth) J.B. Marshall [MesoAmericana] (Kunth) J.B. Marshall [Tropicos] [details] Contributed data: Basionym Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record Conyza floribunda [Govaerts World Compositae Checklist A-G] Conyza floribunda Kunth. [MesoAmericana] [details] Contributed data: Full Name Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker var. floribunda (Kunth) J.B. Marshall [Flora del Conosur] Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E.Walker var. floribunda (Kunth) J.B.Marshall [IPNI] Conyza sumatrensis var. floribunda (Kunth) J.B. Marshall [Flora Malesiana] Conyza sumatrensis var. floribunda (Kunth) J.B. Marshall [MesoAmericana] Conyza sumatrensis var. floribunda (Kunth) J.B. Marshall [Tropicos] [details] Contributed data: Published Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record Watsonia 10 [Flora Malesiana] Watsonia 10 [Govaerts World Compositae Checklist A-G] Watsonia 10(2): [Tropicos] [details] LSID urn:lsid:compositae.org:names:5A9523F0-2D4A-4E7A-9FA7-AEFF5B9AAB48 [details] Type material Crescit frequentissime locis frigidis et temperatis juxta urbem Quiti et pagum Guancabambae Peruvianorum, alt. 1330-1500 hex. Floret Julio-Augusto, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n.. [details]